Tuesday, December 2, 2014

90th Birthday Party

Saturday was the big day.  I hosted a party celebrating my mom's 90th birthday.  The festivities were held at the Parkway Chateau, near Kenosha, WI.  Thanks to my Aunt Audrey and Cousin Sue for doing the legwork for the party.  . 

.My mom has a large group of mall walkers.  We also had many members of the family and assorted friends of my mom.  Weather was perfect - in the upper 40s and sunny.  We were expecting 70-80 guests but planned for 100.  Mom counted in her guest book and came up with 103. 

Greeting folks, visiting friends and relatives,  and shooting photos, I barely had time to eat.  By the end of the 3 hour party, I had a good head ache and exhausted.  It was only a couple blocks to my hotel.  I crashed into bed.

Later in the evening, I started processing photos from the party.  Sunday morning I met mom and a couple relatives for breakfast.  Then it was off to mom's apartment to look at the photos and order picture she wanted.  Selected the photos and went to Walgreens to print them.

Missed a couple of the photos getting them sorting for printing.  Will have to send them to mom l;ater this week.  Early Monday I was on the road back home.  Uneventful drive.  Facebook photos are up.  Still working on the photo web site. link to the web site page is:


Thanksgiving 2014

Had some nasty driving conditions during my trip to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving.  Started light fog and damp roads at 37 deg.  The temperature kept dropping.  Hit snow during rush hour in Des Moines Wednesday.  A little snow flurring at about 200 miles.  Rest of the route was just overcast and chilly.

I was staying in a hotel instead of sleeping on my mom's sofa.  No way I could do that for 4-5 nights.  Anyway, I picked up my mom for Thanksgiving.  Had a nice dinner and went to the bowling alley for the annual outing.

Black Friday I slept in and made a quick trip to the outlet mall to pick up some Levis. While out, I drove by my old grammar school building.  Wanted a photo for my memoirs.   Later in the afternoon, I joined my Aunt Audry and Mom for a birthday dinner.  Called it a day.