Saturday, November 15, 2008

Partial Redemption

Made it to the Convention Center for registration this morning. There, I commented about the "bike rack" out front. Someone was there that pointed to signs in the hall that one room includes for "bike parking".

The room is a unused section of the large hall. So, there is a inside space for bike parking, just no rack to stand up the bike and lock to a rack. Guess just locked parts of the bike together and lean on the wall or lay on the floor. (That's why I call it a "partial" redemption.

In other news from the Symposium, I perused the the Conference Program. I have selected sessions to attend.

The Immense Benefits of Trails: More Than Just Exercise

Biking Toward a Sustainable Future

Buy, Sell, Beg, or Borrow: Creative Funding Ideas from American Trails

Improving the Built Environment: How Urban Trail Systems and Complete Streets Provide Connections within Cities

Training and Resources for Building Better Trails

Camp Robinson Mountain Bike Ride

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