Friday, October 19, 2018

More Boots?

My new cowboy boots arrived from Boot Barn - a day early!  Usually, I do not order online things like boots.  But Boot Barn has a great return policy where I can return them if I do not want them.  There is a store just a few miles from me at Cottonwood Mall.

Anyway, these beautiful bootsa were on sale (close-out) and in my size.  When I slipped them on my feet, they fit like a glove.  I have learned that my feet fit either 12EE or 13D boots.  These are 13D.

The wife on one of my radio friends suggests I should were the boots tucked into (bloused) jeans.  It is a shame to hide the beautiful boots under jeans.  So - that's what you see, here.

Nothing special of the two shirts that also arrived.  One, each, short and long sleeve western shirts.

With my new boots, again it was time to line up my boots for a "family photo".  Gathered all of my boots on the living room floor. and took a couple photos.  While I was at it, took the time to photography each pair of my boots individually.  Here's the skinny on the collection - 1 pair of hiking boots, 2 pait of military boots (black leather, and jungle boots)  Work boots (new-buck 8" and 16" black loggers), and 14 pair of cowboy boots from several manufacturers. Most were purchased from the Boot Barn.

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