Tuesday, April 28, 2015

No Longer Shooting Race Photos

This has not been an easy decision. I have had a good run of taking photos at the Psycowpath mountain bike races. Thanks to feedback from some riders, I have improved my photo composition. There were good and bad shots – too many times I had the camera just set wrong. For other times, needed to refine my techniques. All-in-all, it has been an educational experience and a better photographer.

Many of you know I rediscovered the bicycle as rehab from a heart valve replacement. The first 5 years, my riding got stronger. But for the last couple years I have been plagued by 4 different cancers. That, arthritis in the left knee, and getting older (turning 68 later this year), I cannot get around to get the shots I used to get.

There have been another crop of photographers that can get the shot better than I can. Add in that most folks just want small photos for the social media pages, its not worth my time to send a day shooting photos, posting them up to the web site, and hope there are a couple of sales. One rider told me he just grabbed the photos he wanted from the web site (there were big enough for facebook). He was nice enough to tell me about it and gave me a donation for the photos.

The first 2 years, I just posted my photos. The rest of the years, I asked for $5 for a cleaned-up photo. When I was shooting 400-500 shots at a race, I was not going to process all of the for sales of 2-5 photos. When a customer ordered a photo file, I start from the camera RAW photo, touched up exposure, shadows and highlights, and sent them via e-mail.

I did not take a portion of sales as a donation to THOR. What I did was donate any photos that the THOR and Psycowpath folks wanted for their web site, facebook pages, and publicity.   I appreciate the support from my customers and race friends.  Its time to move on to a new chapter in my adventure called "life".
There may be more changes in the works. I am now at over 10 years from the stroke, open heart, and first cancer. In the next year or two, my cancers will pass the 5 year mark. I will be getting more information about moving SW for better riding weather and less humidity. Watch for updates.

Last year race photos are still posted on the win_photo.photoreflect.com web site. They, and the Tranquility races will remain on the site for a month or two.

Enjoy your racing.


Unknown said...

Tom - so sorry to hear this news. Your photos have been great, and we loved having you out there.


Sean Speck said...

Thanks Tom, I've always enjoyed looking at your pictures from the events and there were definitely some great pics. Thanks for all the work you've put in over the years, it has been appreciated.