Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hospital Stay

It will be back-dating these posts.  Just have not felt like writing some in this blog.  But it was time to bring things back to date.

I had a 11 day sting in the hospital in June.  No big problems - a biopsy and colonoscopy, normally outpatient procedures.  But with my mechanical heart valve, it was all the whole Heparin Therapy issue.  Took forever for me Warfarin dosing stabilized.

The biopsy was CT guided needle biopsy to check a mass showing up in my right lung.  Nothing to problem - it was a sack blood.  Still watching it.  A couple polyps found and removed during colonoscopy.

The whole 11 day hospital stay was a pain.  Will not bore you with the details. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I-29 Construction & Lake Manawa Trail

For those of us ride the trails around Council
Bluffs, IA. road construction has means the frustration of closed trails.  Lake Manawa Trail from the Wabash Trace to Lake Manawa has been closed since early Spring.  The reason has been the new bridges and interchanges at highway 275/92 and the junction of I29 and I-80. 

This photo was taken at the Mosquito Creek Bridge on E. South Omaha Bridge Road.  This is where the street ends and the Lake Manawa Trail beads South along the creek.

You cannot see the old trail in this photo.  It looks like the trail will be raised where in runs under the interstate (coarse rock fill in the center of the photo).  The trail is supposed to be opened again August 1st. 

Humid Day for Bike Ride

A little behind in writing and posting here.  Friday, I had to get out for a bike ride.  It had been about 3 weeks since I was back from Albuquerque and my last bike ride.  The day was a bit warm and humid.  Filtered sunshine, but no wind.

Decide for a ride along Valley View Trail.  Had not been on the trail in some time.  It was great that I could get some miles in, but no committed to a long ride.  Lots of opportunity to decide it was time to turn around and ride back.

Parked at K-Mart.  Felt pretty good riding.  Stopped at 2 miles for some water.  Continued down to Hwy 92 (about 4 miles).  Another stop to hydrate.  Stopped at some benched about hald way back.  Stopped to rest the legs and drink my bottle og Gatorade.

The 8+ miles was about all I could do in the humidity.  When I got home, the body craved food and liquids.  Ended up eating a whole pizza and a quart of Gatorade.  Worthless the rest of the day.  Need lots of sleep the next day.