Sunday, April 20, 2014

An "OH Sh*t" Day

Friday, I returned home from the post office and saw this at the bottom of the h\ill from my house.  Obviously, the load is too long to negotiate the corner (270th St & Dogwood Rd).  An addition to almost dragging the gravel, it looked like the wheels were into the ditch.

At one time, thet brought in a tow truck to back up the trailer.  Eventually, the had it back on the gravel road, but could not turn the corner.  Somebody sure screwed up on the route of this load.

After a couple hours, the crew was seen backing up the load for 2 miles to highway 6.  Saturday morning, heading into Council Bluffs for breakfast, the rig with load were parked at the Grange Hall at Quick. 

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