Saturday, April 17, 2010

Radiation Treatments are DONE!

Took off a couple days from bike riding during the week. Needed some time off, and weather was threatening.

Friday, however, was another thing. This was the day of my last radiation treatment. Ending the over 7 weeks of trips to the Med Center - 37 treatments. After my treatment, ointment applied, nurse checked the biopsy area, signing "release" papers - it was time to ring the bell as I headed out of the clinic.

On the way home, I stopped by the bike shot for a quick visit. Then home. Rested and out to Lake Manawa for a bike ride. Taking a bike ride in the dirt sounded like a GREAT way to celebrate.

While there is no "loop" that can be ridden (other than the western side short loop), I was able to get all the way back to Long's Landing and clocked just over 5 miles.

Felt good to be back!

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