Back pedaling Monday. Had a SWINT (Wabash Trace) board meeting that evening so decided to ride Malvern to Imogene (or as far as I have time for).
Just as I left Malvern I met Randy - a Silver City residence. We were both stopping to clear a branch on the trail. We rode together to White Cloud. Nice to have someone to ride with.
Previously, I had ridden from the south to Strahan and out of Imogene perhaps again to Strahan. But This was the first time I attempted the Malvern to Imogene ride. That 13.6 miles section of the Wabash Trace is a roller coaster. Seem like always climbing or descending.
Today's photo -- believe it or not, THIS is 370th St in Mills County, Iowa! The Wabash Trace is to the left at the street sign. There are still dirt streets/roads in Iowa in the 21st century.
Didn't quite make it to Imogene when I had to turn back for the meeting. Think I was about 1.5 miles short (turned around at 390th St.) Back in Malverm, as I loaded the bike on the car, I see I got a flat - what great timing. That bike needs new tires anyway and are on order.
Yesterday was a "touring" relaxing pace ride on the hybrid. A ride to post miles, not training. Rode from the bike shop to S. Omaha Bridge, to Trails Center. Stopped for break and on up to the Bob Bridge. Then rode non-stop (except for lights) to the bike shop.
Blew past the 2500 mileage mark for the year. My 30 mile ride on paved trails put me at 2520 miles for 2009. That's over 300 miles over last year's total.
This was the first relaxing ride on the hybrid since the new tires. Really enjoyed the ride. Averaged just under 13 mph over the ride.
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