Monday, October 20, 2014

Last Day of the Reunion

I have been getting aa little behind in my blogging the last couple days.  Saturday was the last full day of the Echo Company Reunion.

Normally, Saturday early morning those in the fishing tournament would head to boats (or in I case, the river).  In the Portland, Maine area, all of the fishing boats had moved south (where the fish had moved to).  So, organizers came up with an alternative.

Some of the ladies cut out construction paper "fish".  There was a "weight" of the fish is assigned to each of the fish.  The weight was not revealed until the fish was "caught".   There was one person behind a draped sheet where she would attached a fish.

The fisherman (fisherwoman) would sit in a chair sitting with the fishing rod.  "Cast" over the sheet and dangle the "hook".  Behind the sheet, a paper fish would be attached.

Lastly the fish would be reeled in and shown the re judge,  The weight was revealed.  Ended up being a popular indoor activity.  The upper photo shows a joke pulled on one of the wives,

Normally, on Saturday during fishing i would head out for a bicycle ride.  With the late fishing start and and my need to fishing packing, I opted to go to the room and work on packing my bags.  At 3pm were had the reunion business reunion.  this is where we talk about the next year's reunion.  Unfortunately, our 2015 reunion hosts could not make it,  We were advised that Echo Reunion will be in Highland, California during the week of October 12-18, 2015.

Time to dress for the banquet.  The banquet is a busy time for me.  As attendees arrive, and get thier refreshments, I take photos of the Echo Company member and then on of him and his wife/partner.  If there were additional families in attendance, another photo is taken of the family.

We were treated to a short concert by the Maine Public Safety Pipe and Drum Corps.  The corps also posted the colors for the start of the banquet.  The lower photo is of the corps in the banquet.

After invocation and greetings, it was time to eat.  Good, simple menu of salad, green beans, mashed potatoes, steak tips, and haddock, hard roll, and butter.  Several of us went back for seconds!

At each of the reunions, we take time to remember those killed in action or missing.  We also remember those who have passed in the last year.  There were a few door prized.  Then it was time to award plaques and trophies for the tournaments.  Lastly, there were the raffle prizes.

The banquet concluded with thanks and a benediction.  Last,hugs as as the folks slowly left the room.  See you next year!

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